Log in to SRUC Online Training
SRUC, Work-Based & Micro-Credential Learners login here:
Is this your first time here?
For full access to this site, you first need to create an account.SRUC, WBL & Micro-Credentials Login
For SRUC staff and SRUC's Work-Based Learners (apprentices), and Micro-Credential Learners logging into the Training Moodle, please use the SRUC, WBL & MC Login tab above.
Non-SRUC Users (Standard Login)
For non-SRUC users who have created their own Moodle account and are logging into the Training Moodle, please use the Standard Login tab above.
Training Moodle Signup
For non-SRUC users, use the Signup tab above to create a new Training Moodle account, and then use the Manual Login tab to log in each time.